NL Old English Sheepdog Association  

Welkom to the NL Old English Sheepdog Association!

The NLOESA is established in 2021 by a group of Old English Sheepdog breeders (OES) with the goal to protect and improve our beautiful breed.

Together with the Dutch Kennel Club (Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch gebied) we're working to protect ánd improve pedigree dogs, and of course with special focus on the health and population of the Old English Sheepdog. 

We created a clear breeding & health policy for breeding stock, and a "Code of Ethics" for club-breeders that ensures responsible breeding, education and sharing knowledge with other breeders. We are only a small country and the population is decreasing since years. This is why we need to work closely with our sister associations abroad and we are proud to already have commitment (and members) from UK, Germany, Norway and France. 





As a member of the NLOESA:

You can join all our events like

fun events, workshops,  seminars, etc;

You'll receive  (at least) 3x a year the digital newsletter;

You support our Club and together we can stand up for our breed:

The Old English Sheepdog!





NLOESA Best in Show

Op 09 juni 2024 organiseerde de NLOESA haar 3e Kampioensclubmatch in Arcen.


Workshops, Get-togethers, etc 

There's a lot to do and meet eachother. Do you join us?



You are looking for a puppy...

But how to find a responsible breeder? The NLOESA can help! 

Read more

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All rights reserved ©NLOESA 2024