NL Old English Sheepdog Association  

All official NLOESA documents are available and can be downloade in PDF by using the links below:

(sorry, in Dutch)


Statutes Download statutes here
Regulations Download HHR here
Breeding policies Download VFR here
Breeders Code of Ethics V2.0 Download CoE here


Contact for more info:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



As a member of the NLOESA:

You can join all our events like

fun events, workshops,  seminars, etc;

You'll receive  (at least) 3x a year the digital newsletter;

You support our Club and together we can stand up for our breed:

The Old English Sheepdog!





NLOESA Best in Show

Op 09 juni 2024 organiseerde de NLOESA haar 3e Kampioensclubmatch in Arcen.


Workshops, Get-togethers, etc 

There's a lot to do and meet eachother. Do you join us?



You are looking for a puppy...

But how to find a responsible breeder? The NLOESA can help! 

Read more

De NLOESA evenementen worden gesponsord door:

All rights reserved ©NLOESA 2023